To be salt and light to the world.

Your life was designed for far more than just the accumulation of things.  You were created to Praise The Creator. 

The Word says that we were created before the foundation of the world. That includes King David, Esther, you and me. Surrender is where you go, when you realize God wants to use you for a great purpose here on earth.  It does not matter what you have been through and how broken you feel that you have become, the authentic you is designed for a reason. 

Discovering the world of Praise will change the way you look at the world, who you have been and bring the passion of living back to the everyday. 

What if...

It Starts with Action.


As believers, we have to learn how to move out of the “pew” and into the position where God is able to use us for His glory. I believe we have become so complacent in our walk that we have become satisfied with fellowship and missed the point of the Great Commission that God sent us to fulfill. Maybe we have missed the point of disclosure that we ARE the church, not the actual building.

Many souls are waiting for you to come and salvage them from the torment they are living – maybe a better phrase would be from what they are dying in.  If you are not walking in the will of God for your life and fulfilling the very purpose for which you were created, do you wonder what happens to those souls that you were meant to speak to?  I do.  I believe God created us on purpose for a purpose.

Share Your Testimony.

We must stop being selfish people; only worrying about God's blessing or increasing us and our family and begin to display selflessness and seek to serve those around us as Jesus did.

The very thing that you came out of; can help someone when you share how HE saved you.  I do not want others to endure things such as hurt, pain, betrayal, abandonment…I had to stop being selfish and begin to share what HE had done and continues to do for me.   THAT IS MY PURPOSE.   Is it also your purpose?

Seek Purpose.

Seek Purpose

Through HIS WORD, we find our purpose in life…if we know what our assignments ( R purpose) are. We can be effectively used by God to reach the lost of this world.  This time in history in the city you live in you can and will be effective.  Yes, it will require sacrifice and selflessness.  You should be willing to drop what you think is important to minister to what HE says is important to the Kingdom.

God will use you mightily to reach His people….You will become mission-focused for the Kingdom and your life will begin to take on purpose. GOD’S people will rise up in this hour and begin to know who they are.

Join Us.

Jesus says, YOU ARE the salt of the earth, and YOU ARE the light of the world.  We do not need to strategize how to be the salt and light.  Jesus says we ARE these as believers. Jesus makes a point here, we are to live as HE has created us to be. Whatever role we have been entrusted with.  Believers are meant to live for the glory of God and for the good of others with the gospel in hand, and yes, with the truth of God in hand, living it out in every decision. That is a good purpose. This could be the meaning of being salt and light… By not living as we should, we hide the light and lose our savor. 

We are connecting people who may have never known of each other for HIS KINGDOM’s sake…Would you like to join us?

About Dee McGinnis

After being abandon by her parents at 15 years of age, Dee managed to not only finish her education, albeit via many different community colleges and universities, she thrived in the field of psychology and counseling. At her lowest point Dee thought about and almost did away with her fragile life. Through many difficult and abusive relationships, she managed to have the strength to get out of each one, and became stronger and resilient. With the help of her husband and many friends, she helped to open a homeless shelter in Summerville, South Carolina, so no one would have to be homeless, abandoned or orphaned again.  Now retired she looks back and remembers the words of someone who helped to save her from herself.

Dee is an accomplished author writing two books:

IF YOU PRAISE HIM: have had 40 days in the wilderness, you can have 40 days and more of praising the ONE who brought you out of the wilderness

Daughters of Destiny: A view of Biblical Heroines through the eyes of a 21st Century woman. Within the biblical stories of these women, we are afforded a front row seat to peer into their lives: good, bad, ugly, or indifferent.

Tefillah: Prayer; a fervent outpouring of our hearts to Creator God. Prayer is a beautfiul time of intimacy with The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit.


One of the greatest perks of life is getting feedback and interacting with other people. Contact us if you’ve got any comments or questions - I’d love to hear from you..
